Many little girls rummage through their mother’s vanity bags and when they grow up, start experimenting with various make-up products. Most of us can recall the first Kajal and Lipstick that we have used. As the years' pass, we tend to realise that quality matters more and the products that we see commercially give better results in terms of payoff and pigmentation. But at what cost?
- Fact #1: Our skin is the largest organ in our body.
- Fact #2: As per a study, 60% of the chemicals used in our products tend to penetrate our skin and go into the bloodstream.
The commercial make-up products that we use contain chemicals ranging from irritants and harmful toxins which can cause birth defects and hamper cognitive abilities, to carcinogens. People are experiencing health hazards that were not as plaguing as compared to more than a decade earlier.
If the above-mentioned facts sound compelling, you may want to switch to Organic and Ayurvedic make-up. Keep reading to know their benefits.
What is Organic and Ayurvedic Make-up?
It implies make-up products made with organically farmed ingredients, containing natural ingredients such as plant extracts, essential oils, minerals and the like. They do not contain harmful chemicals such as Lead, Aluminium, Phthalates, DEA/DTA, Artificial fragrances and Preservatives.
Benefits of Organic & Natural Makeup?
- With the use of natural ingredients over time, our skin heals and repairs itself,
- Chances of breakouts and skin irritation reduce significantly, although it may take time for your skin to get used to natural and organic make-up if you have been using chemical-laden products;
- Plant-derived ingredients have anti-aging properties, thus boosting collagen production and keeping free radicals at bay;
- Since they are devoid of harmful chemicals, Organic and Ayurvedic make-up products are gentle on the skin;
- They are good for our environment and ecosystem;
- Companies that manufacture Organic-Ayurvedic products do not test on animals.
Depending upon the product you may want to use, Organic-Ayurvedic Makeup products will have endless benefits in the long run. So take a step towards a better tomorrow for yourself and posterity.
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