All You Need to Know About Sharad Ritu

Sharad Ritu is a Sanskrit name for the Autumn season - a time of the year when nature displays its warm hues and starts changing colours. During the Autumn season, trees shed leaves, the birds migrate to the South, and some animals hibernate for the winter. In India, Autumn occurs from Mid-September to Mid-November - a symbol of new beginnings and a time to express gratitude towards nature for the unique unfolding of its mysteries.

Visarga Kaal - The Season of Abundance!

Sharad Ritu falls under Visarga Kaal- an auspicious time from Bhadrapada to Kartik as per the Ayurvedic Calendar. The Autumn season arrives with a beautiful message of abundance and harmony. Between the summer and winter seasons, Sharad Ritu serves as a thoughtful reminder that change is good and should be embraced to the utmost.

Dosha Imbalance

The hot and humid weather aggravates the Agni; Pitta Dosha imbalance is very common during this season. To summarise, there are changes which are manifested in the form of weak digestion, irregular blood pressure and acne problems on the body. Mother Earth is smeared with wet mud, and the sky is usually clear during the season of fall. Due to the hot and humid weather conditions, the Vitiation of Vata Dosha takes place during this season. Sharad Ritu is also addressed as the season of 'Prakopa of Pitta' in the Sanskrit language as it is closely associated with Pitta dosha imbalance.

Magic of Mogra - The Tridoshic Flower

Wear a Mogra garland as a piece of hair jewellery, and let the sensual scent relax your senses. The Mogra flower is known in Ayurveda as Hrudhya Gandha, which translates as "Fragrance that pleases the heart." Mogra is regarded as Tridoshic (regulating all three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), Sattvic (life-giving and pure since it channelizes Pitta dosha in particular. Excessive exposure to the sunlight, overeating and napping during the daytime is to be avoided to live a balanced routine life in Sharad Ritu.

Dietary Guidelines for Sharad Ritu

As per the ancient texts of Ayurveda which promote healing and season-specific food ‘rasas’, one should consume foods that are Madhura (sweet), Tikta (sharp) and Laghu (light to process) and have Sheetal (cold) properties.
The dominance of Pitta dosha is excessive in Sharad Ritu and intake of Katu Rasa (bitter), Amla Rasa (acidic) and Ushna Rasa (Hot) are not considered suitable for digestion.
The prevalent Rasa (flavour) of Sharad Ritu is Lavana (salty). Other foods to be incorporated into the diet are Wheat, Green grams and dry land animals (Jangala Mamsa).
Nourish your body with foods like broccoli, cow milk, jaggery, honey, avocado, ripe banana, pear and dates to gain maximum benefits.

Lifestyle Guidelines

The secret of Ayurveda lies in the beautiful concept of 'Ritucharya', which means crafting your routine life as per the six different seasons. Ritucharya teaches us the art of living a life in a harmonious way that eliminates the negative impact caused by the seasonal changes, physically, mentally and emotionally. Applying Sandalwood or Chandan paste helps calm the body's excessive heat (Agni). Ayurveda experts suggest that drinking water kept under Sun and moon rays benefits our overall health. In fact, bathing with water kept under the moonbeam and sunbeam balances the imbalanced doshas of the season.

Herbs of the Season

Herbs are an ancient way of healing the body from within, few herbs that are considered healthy in Sharad Ritu are Amla, Chandan, and Shatavari. When used in the Autumn season, these herbs display healthy results and pacify the body's heat. Using saffron-based things would make Sharad Ritu a pleasant time to deal with all the imbalances of the season, naturally. Your haircare and skincare regime should include herbs like Vetiver, Saffron, Aloe vera, Sandalwood and Rose as it effectively pacifies Pitta dosha. These herbs help calm the rashes and eliminate excess heat production from the body.

Time to Connect with Nature

Autumn is the season to restore your beautiful connection with nature by spending time near water bodies - ocean, river and lake. Find ways to include Lotus and Lily flowers in your lifestyle by making them an essential part of your home decor. The Autumn season comes with a promise to bring back the liveliness in your life. Let Visarga Kaal of the year add more energy and life to the Autumn season!

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